The Popup tab in the GIE Settings/Control Panel allows you to turn on or turn off the Popup Blocker, as well as control various options for previewing blocked pop-ups.
You can also specify pop-ups to Always Allow using this control.
Popup Blocker Control
Automatically block popup when opening new browser
windows: Check
this box to deny all popups in all browser windows. You can override
this choice in each browser by un-checking the popup icon in the toolbar
(i.e. the popup icon will have a red X
through it).
Every time a popup is suppressed, the mouse
cursor briefly changes to the icon shown at
As described above, an audio sound can also play when a popup is
Play sound when popup window has been
prevented: Check this box if you wish to hear a sound
every time a popup is suppressed. Click the speaker icon to
the right of the text to select custom sounds.
Enable Smart Popup Blocker:
Checking this box allows links you press on a web page to bypass the popup
filter. Make sure this option is checked if you wish to avoid having
to bypass the popup filter by pressing the shift and/or control keys while
pressing the link, or doing the extra click within 2 seconds as shown
Show a preview of blocked pop-up windows:
Show a preview of blocked pop-up windows: If you wish to see pop-ups, but have them vanish
after being displayed, select the "Show for 2 seconds" option in the
"Popup Preview" box.
Windows-XP and Windows-2000 users: can instead select "Fade Out" to have
pop-ups dissolve away after being displayed for a couple of seconds.
Save snapshots of blocked pop-up windows:
Guard-IE stores a list of blocked pop-ups. These are
stored as URLs, however, you can ask Guard-IE to store a small picture
(called a snapshot) of blocked pop-up windows in its history. If you
prefer this select a snapshot size in the "Thumbnails" box:
note: Snapshots are not available for Windows 95 users. Also note
that snapshots cannot be made for some pop-ups as they are created
Viewing Snapshots
Snapshots can be viewed by clicking the Guard-IE button in the
toolbar and selecting "View recently blocked pop-up windows."
Caution: While quite handy, if the
snapshot option is selected, then the actual pop-ups are brought over
the network and converted into small images. Hence, choosing the option to
store thumbnails will utilize more bandwidth than not choosing this
option. If not checked, pop-ups are killed BEFORE they get to your
Do not use the thumbnail option if you wish to
save bandwidth!
Open Pop-up Blocker Allow List (Bypassing the Pop-up Blocker):
time a popup is suppressed, its name will show up in the Pop-up Blocker Allow List.
This list will also be visible from the Guard-IE toolbar by clicking the
Guard-IE castle and selecting "View recently blocked pop-up windows."
The names of all pop-ups that were blocked will be shown unchecked
in the Allowed Popup List. If you wish to allow that popup in the
future, simply check the box to its left.
If you wish to allow all pop-ups from that particular site, simply
double-click the entry in the Allowed Popup List window and edit the
name. Example: In the example below, if you wished to allow ALL pop-ups from the FailSafeTechnologies domain, you would double-click the
entry, and remove all text to the right of the domain leaving:
Pop-ups can occur even when the "Prevent Pop-ups" box is checked
You have turned off the pop-up filter on a particular browser
window by un-checking the popup icon in the Guard-IE toolbar (you
would see the red X removed from
the popup icon in the toolbar.) In this case, pop-ups will be allowed
in that particular browser only.
The popup in question, or its root domain name, is checked in
the Allowed Popup List. For example, in the Figure below, you can
see that a specific popup from www.FailSafeTechnologies is
allowed, and ALL pop-ups from www.GuardWall.com are allowed.
If you wish to allow pop-ups from a site not currently listed in the
Allowed Popup List, simply click anywhere under the last entry in the
Allowed Popup List and type in the domain name, or specific popup name,
from which to allow pop-ups.
Other Methods for Bypassing the Pop-up Blocker:
You can also hold the SHIFT or CONTROL key down when pressing a link to
allow that link to occur (even if it attempts to open a new browser
window). And you can right-click a link, and select the "Open in New
Window" option.
Most of the time, however, if you click a link on a web page you would
like that link to open and not be forced to make any special key
You can achieve this by checking the
"Enable smart pop-up blocker" option mentioned above.